Your child's on-line learning journal can be accessed through the Famly app. Every parent is allocated a user and password. Please enquire with the office if you have any problems accessing it.
Collecting Your Child
Safety is paramount at Honeypot Day Nursery and children will only be released to adults known to the nursery. However, we realise there may be times when this is not possible and therefore also operate a password/photo system.
We continue to follow all guidelines, recommendations and requirements issued by the Government with regards to managing infection control. These are updated regularly and have resulted in temporary changes to various policies and procedures. All parents are encouraged to wear masks when dropping off and collecting their children.
All parents are asked to follow any Government guidelines in place with regards to Coronavirus and hopefully later this year we can return to a greater normality, but in the meantime we want everyone to stay safe and well.
Unwell Children
If your child should become unwell whilst at Honeypot Day Nursery we will endeavour to contact the parents to request that they collect their child as soon as possible. If your child has a contagious illness, please contact us so that we are aware.
Guidelines for re-admittance are as follows:
Diarrhoea & Sickness | Once the Child is well and eating normal |
Conjunctivitis | When the eyes are clear of discha |
Ear, Throat, Chest infection | When child is well – usually 48 hours after antibiotic treatment has started. |
Slap cheek | 7 days after onset of rash |
Rubella | 7 days after onset of rash |
Coronavirus | Minimum 5 days and then negative LFT |
Chicken Pox | Once all spots are dry and scabs have formed |
Head Lice |
Once the child has been treated |
Parents and carers should be aware that we take child protection very seriously. If we believe any child to be at risk we have a duty and responsibility to ensure the child is safe from harm. Therefore, we may bring our concerns to the notice of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children board without prior notice to the parent or carer, depending on the circumstances.
At Honeypot we believe that parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their individual needs and wishes. We hope that at all times you will be happy with the service provided and that you might like to voice your appreciation to the staff concerned.
Complaints should be dealt with professionally and promptly to ensure that any issues arising from these complaints are handled effectively and to ensure the welfare of all children. We welcome any suggestions from parents on how we can improve our services, and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns that you may have by following our complaints procedure detailed fully in our policies. If the matter cannot be resolved to their satisfaction, then parents have the right to raise the matter with Ofsted at the following address:
Ofsted Complaints
National Business Unit
Royal Exchange Buildings
St Ann’s Square
Tel: 0300 12311231
230 Broadgate
Weston Hills,
Lincolnshire PE12 6DQ
01406 380803